Poll 27 percent want Patriots to win Super Bowl 22 percent view Goodell favorably

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Finally, after two years of war, the and NFL commi sioner Roger Goodell have found some much needed common ground: Brock Holt Jersey They're both incredibly unpopular in the United States.On Monday, that demonstrates just how much American sports fans dislike both parties.According the poll, only 27 percent of football Craig Kimbrel Jersey fans in the U.S. want the Patriots to win Super Bowl LI (53 percent are rooting for the ). That makes sense, because as also pointed out, the Patriots are the most unpopular football team in the NFL. Twenty-one percent of fans named the Patriots as their least favorite team. Maybe if Bill Belichick smiled Joe Kelly Jersey more (or stopped beating everyone's favorite team) that number would go down. The -- America's (alleged) Team -- finished in second with 19 percent.Meanwhile, 22 percent of fans view Goodell favorably Fred Lynn Jersey (37 percent view him unfavorably) and 26 percent approve of the job he's doing (42 percent disapprove). The main takeaway: Nobody benefited from Deflategate, the scandal that plagued the NFL for far too long. OK, I lied. There's actually a much more important takeaway from the data: is definitely not #elite. Last Pedro Martinez Jersey year, 35 percent of fans said that the quarterback wasn't #elite. This year, that number grew to 41 percent. Finally, something in this country makes sense.
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